Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Why Board and Train

“Don’t do board and trains” is what I read in the local suggestions. I resist the urge to ask why because it honestly makes ZERO sense to train a dog who struggles behaviorally at home. How do you expect someone who is coming to you for help due to their dog demonstrating x, y, or z to not only teach their dog new behaviors but also to make lifestyle changes? Like, tell me the secret because I’ve been trying to lose some weight while going to the gym and changing my diet. And let me tell you, doing both at the same time is HARD. But when I break it down to focus on one or the other to build a new habit, it is a bit easier. It’s just common sense that we often fail or are not long-term successful when we can’t focus and are trying to do too many things at once. Why would it be ANY different in learning a whole new communication and skill set when it comes to your dog? Make it make sense to me!

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Affection doesn’t ruin your dog’s training

It’s a misconception that showing your dog love, affection, and letting them on the couch or feeding them from your plate ruins training…In this blog we take a dive into on why that is a false statement.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Fearful Dog Training

When training a fearful dog with aggression or reactivity, it’s crucial to avoid exerting control, as this can heighten the dog's stress and worsen their emotional state. Instead, I recommend providing a managed freedom that allows the dog to explore independently, fostering confidence and trust.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

We are the problem…

We, as humans, are sometimes the reason why our dog struggles. We get so caught up in our emotions and what others think of us that we forget about any consideration of the dog in front of us...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Storm Prep

Have you considered how to keep your beloved pet safe in the face of a severe storm? It's vital to prepare your pet for such situations to safeguard their welfare. By taking proactive measures, you can guarantee your pet's safety and comfort during a storm....

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Stop Digging

Addressing a dog's digging behavior can be a common challenge for pet owners, with several creative and effective approaches available to tackle this issue....

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Reactive Dogs

Reactivity in dogs refers to an exaggerated response to certain stimuli, often displayed as barking, lunging, or pulling on the leash. This behavior can stem from fear, frustration, or overexcitement, and it presents a challenge for both the dog and the owner...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Stress and dogs

Stress is a part of our everyday life and causes physiological and psychological responses within the body. Humans receive guidance on how to control stress levels, such as through breathing exercises or physical activity. However, when it comes to our canine friends, we seem to fall short in sharing any type of stress management skills with them.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

How to Choose the Right Dog Trainer for You

When it comes to training your beloved four-legged friend, finding the right dog trainer is crucial. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to make a decision. However, by following these steps, you can choose a dog trainer who will meet both your needs and your dog's needs.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

My Dog is Friendly

My dog is friendly…Famous last words when a dog goes up to your dog.

I see it and hear about it all the time. My dog was approached on a walk by an off leash dog or I was out with my dog and this couple let their dog run right up to mine...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Bad Behaviors

When working with bad behaviors there are a couple things I take into account before focusing on a specific problem...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

When to train and when to rest

Dog ownership is sometimes like walking a tight-line. We allow our dogs to run around the house, the yard, and crate them when it’s time to be quiet.

While you feel you’re meeting the needs of that said dog, it seems that you have made little progress on wearing your dog out.

Matter of fact it seems as if they are getting more strung out the more you follow the routine. Bouncing off furniture, the walls, barking non-stop, etc...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

The Start of Bad Behaviors

Spoiled Brat

Where (most) behavior problems start…

You’ve heard it a million times…get the dog that’s right for you and your lifestyle.

Well say you did just that.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

To Medicate Your Dog

Seems like we live in a day age where every problem can be solved with a pill.

Too many times I have pups coming into my care who have been on Prozac, Trazadone, or any other anti-anxiety medication for years...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Should you Neuter or Spay


Does it solve behaviors or does it not?

And the answer is always the same, it depends.

It depends on the age of your dog. It depends on the behaviors you’re hoping to lessen. It depends on your dog’s genetics. It depends if he’s a breeding stud or not. Etc.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Pee Pads…Bad Idea

So I dread going to Wal-Mart, something about being in a store that has 5billion people doesn’t appeal to me (shocker, I know).

Anywho, I’m in Walmart, making a bee-line towards the items I need and walk pass not one, not two, but three end caps stocked with pee pads.

And I’m thinking the US consumer market can’t be serious.

I mean I get that it’s puppy season, but in this day and age you have to know by now that pee pads are a horrible idea and DO NOT housebreak your puppy.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Excessive Licking and Chewing

Licking, scratching to the point of self-mutilation in dogs is more common than you think.

Often the hotspot that you find your dog excessively licking or the constant chewing or the over grooming of their private areas can be the stemming from emotional distress.

But before you hit panic mode, you need to get your dog cleared medically before dissecting where this constant itching is coming from....

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Pee-worthy! Why some dogs struggle with housebreaking

There are several reasons why your dog may be struggling with housebreaking. The most common causes are submissive urination, excitement urination, and marking. Here are some helpful tips for helping your furry friend get passed these issues.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Preparing for a Puppy

Brining a puppy home is an exciting time!

I mean who doesn’t love snuggles and puppy breath? But like with any baby, we must prepare our home to keep our new found friend safe. No different than a toddler, puppies are curious animals and can often find themselves in trouble if our house is not properly prepped. While I don’t condone leaving any baby unattended for even the shortest amount of time (go team crate training!). I know life sometimes has it’s own plan and leaving for even just a second is unavoidable.

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