Preparing for a Puppy

Brining a puppy home is an exciting time!

I mean who doesn’t love snuggles and puppy breath? But like with any baby, we must prepare our home to keep our new found friend safe. No different than a toddler, puppies are curious animals and can often find themselves in trouble if our house is not properly prepped. While I don’t condone leaving any baby unattended for even the shortest amount of time (go team crate training!). I know life sometimes has it’s own plan and leaving for even just a second is unavoidable.

So here’s a quick list of things that may need to be put away or picked up before you bring your new pup home.

Properly store all cleaning supplies out of reach and in an area that is secure. I suggest locking cabinets, as it has been known that curious pups can pop a cabinet door open.

Remove or cover all sharp objects. Puppies and even some adult dogs are not the most coordinated animal. To prevent a full fledged run in with a sharp corner, try adding cardboard to the corner until your pup learns the rules of no running in the home.

Pick up electrical cords or wrap them where puppy can not chew on them.

Hide trash can. I personally keep my trash can in a cabinet under the sink. No need to start bad habits this early.

Get in the habit of closing doors to rooms that you’re not in. This helps keeping wandering to a minimum and helps with housebreaking.

Close the toilet lid. Much like trash, no need to start bad habits early.

If you have kids, pick-up toys or have a designated room for your kids toys. Often kid toys end up being a choking hazard or an emergency vet visit for a blockage. Be vigilant about picking up toys or keeping them in a specific room until your puppy learns the rules that they’re off limits.

Keep clothes up! Puppies like to chew and anything that smells like you is typically a target. Keep your clothes put away until your puppy has outgrown the chewing phase. I also suggest providing chew toy options such as bene bones or antlers.

Be aware of toxic plants: Aloe, Lillies, Jade, Ivy, Elephant Ears. etc.

Secure yard. Make sure there are no holes in fencing or that there are loose panels. Double check gates and make sure they properly shut and can be locked.


Pee-worthy! Why some dogs struggle with housebreaking


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