Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Fearful Dog Training

When training a fearful dog with aggression or reactivity, it’s crucial to avoid exerting control, as this can heighten the dog's stress and worsen their emotional state. Instead, I recommend providing a managed freedom that allows the dog to explore independently, fostering confidence and trust.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

How to greet a dog

It’s a common misconception when greeting a dog that we should stick our hand out for them to smell. In all honesty, I prefer your hand over your face, but it’s still a behavior that a dog can misconstrue as rude, especially if you enter their space and then shove your hand even further into their space, such as their head.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Bringing a New Dog Home

I need to share this important information with you all...

When you bring a new dog into your home and grant them unrestricted access to your space, neighborhood, and more, challenges are likely to arise.

It is crucial to allow your dog some time to decompress and then introduce them to the house rules and boundaries from the start...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Why your dog’s nutrition is so important…

I find many folks are amazed during their evaluation with us that I start with the basics such as food, exercise, and daily life schedule and not directly the problem at hand. While there is a whole thought process behind why I do this and why this way of thinking relates to long-term success after your dog’s training with us is done. But the entire process could be a book, so I’m going to break this down by each approach…. starting with your dog’s nutrition...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Nipping and how to stop it…

Exploring the reasons behind why dogs nip is crucial for effectively addressing this behavior. Nipping is a natural activity for puppies and can stem from teething, excitement, or exploration as they interact with their surroundings and littermates. In adult dogs, nipping can serve as a means of communication, playfulness, or even a response to fear or anxiety....

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Understanding Dog Aggression and How to Address It

Aggression from our canine friends can be scary for all involved. Pinpointing where the aggression is stemming from and knowing how to help your dog through those extreme emotions can make a world of difference for your family.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

My Dog is Friendly

My dog is friendly…Famous last words when a dog goes up to your dog.

I see it and hear about it all the time. My dog was approached on a walk by an off leash dog or I was out with my dog and this couple let their dog run right up to mine...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

What’s the Point in Training Your Dog

I had a client sign up for a board and train for their dog. No major behavior problems, just typical house manners stuff. At one of their lessons, we were working on recalls and towards the middle of the lesson, the client turned to me and asked me what’s the point?

I was a little taken back by this question.

Like there’s a million reasons why we should teach a recall, but I felt the question was more geared towards lines of why do I have to do this training. Like I should have a magic wand that will solve all canine related problems with no effort from them....

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

When to train and when to rest

Dog ownership is sometimes like walking a tight-line. We allow our dogs to run around the house, the yard, and crate them when it’s time to be quiet.

While you feel you’re meeting the needs of that said dog, it seems that you have made little progress on wearing your dog out.

Matter of fact it seems as if they are getting more strung out the more you follow the routine. Bouncing off furniture, the walls, barking non-stop, etc...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Enrichment Ideas For Dogs

Not too long animal caretakers started looking for ways to alleviate stress and boredom for the wild animals left in their care. Many ideas proved to be successful in the zoo world that it trickled over to our household pets.

So without further ado, for those long workdays here is a list of different enrichment ideas for your pup....

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

The Start of Bad Behaviors

Spoiled Brat

Where (most) behavior problems start…

You’ve heard it a million times…get the dog that’s right for you and your lifestyle.

Well say you did just that.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Should you Neuter or Spay


Does it solve behaviors or does it not?

And the answer is always the same, it depends.

It depends on the age of your dog. It depends on the behaviors you’re hoping to lessen. It depends on your dog’s genetics. It depends if he’s a breeding stud or not. Etc.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Pee Pads…Bad Idea

So I dread going to Wal-Mart, something about being in a store that has 5billion people doesn’t appeal to me (shocker, I know).

Anywho, I’m in Walmart, making a bee-line towards the items I need and walk pass not one, not two, but three end caps stocked with pee pads.

And I’m thinking the US consumer market can’t be serious.

I mean I get that it’s puppy season, but in this day and age you have to know by now that pee pads are a horrible idea and DO NOT housebreak your puppy.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Will Work For Cookies

Will Work for Cookies

Most folks know that you need some form of motivation to teach your dog new behaviors and most of the time that motivation comes in the form of cookies or food. Often times folks get stuck in this type of reinforcement and their dog starts expecting a reward every time they’re asked to do something. Essentially creating a dog that will only work for cookies.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall


“My dog just won’t focus on me when we’re outside, it’s like I’m not even here.”

You have probably heard this before from a friend or a family member – hell, you’ve probably witnessed this scenario at the local dog park. Here’s a little secret…they’re bored and if you relate to the above sentence, well you’re the one boring them… sorry if I’m busting your bubble.

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