Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Pee Pads…Bad Idea

So I dread going to Wal-Mart, something about being in a store that has 5billion people doesn’t appeal to me (shocker, I know).

Anywho, I’m in Walmart, making a bee-line towards the items I need and walk pass not one, not two, but three end caps stocked with pee pads.

And I’m thinking the US consumer market can’t be serious.

I mean I get that it’s puppy season, but in this day and age you have to know by now that pee pads are a horrible idea and DO NOT housebreak your puppy.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Pee-worthy! Why some dogs struggle with housebreaking

There are several reasons why your dog may be struggling with housebreaking. The most common causes are submissive urination, excitement urination, and marking. Here are some helpful tips for helping your furry friend get passed these issues.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Preparing for a Puppy

Brining a puppy home is an exciting time!

I mean who doesn’t love snuggles and puppy breath? But like with any baby, we must prepare our home to keep our new found friend safe. No different than a toddler, puppies are curious animals and can often find themselves in trouble if our house is not properly prepped. While I don’t condone leaving any baby unattended for even the shortest amount of time (go team crate training!). I know life sometimes has it’s own plan and leaving for even just a second is unavoidable.

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