Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Teaching your dog to come when called

The initial step in teaching your dog to come when called is to ensure they recognize their name. It's crucial for your dog to understand that when you call their name, they should cease what they're doing and look to you for the next instruction. Here's how to teach this behavior...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

My Dog is Friendly

My dog is friendly…Famous last words when a dog goes up to your dog.

I see it and hear about it all the time. My dog was approached on a walk by an off leash dog or I was out with my dog and this couple let their dog run right up to mine...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

When to train and when to rest

Dog ownership is sometimes like walking a tight-line. We allow our dogs to run around the house, the yard, and crate them when it’s time to be quiet.

While you feel you’re meeting the needs of that said dog, it seems that you have made little progress on wearing your dog out.

Matter of fact it seems as if they are getting more strung out the more you follow the routine. Bouncing off furniture, the walls, barking non-stop, etc...

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

The Start of Bad Behaviors

Spoiled Brat

Where (most) behavior problems start…

You’ve heard it a million times…get the dog that’s right for you and your lifestyle.

Well say you did just that.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Should you Neuter or Spay


Does it solve behaviors or does it not?

And the answer is always the same, it depends.

It depends on the age of your dog. It depends on the behaviors you’re hoping to lessen. It depends on your dog’s genetics. It depends if he’s a breeding stud or not. Etc.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Pee-worthy! Why some dogs struggle with housebreaking

There are several reasons why your dog may be struggling with housebreaking. The most common causes are submissive urination, excitement urination, and marking. Here are some helpful tips for helping your furry friend get passed these issues.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Will Work For Cookies

Will Work for Cookies

Most folks know that you need some form of motivation to teach your dog new behaviors and most of the time that motivation comes in the form of cookies or food. Often times folks get stuck in this type of reinforcement and their dog starts expecting a reward every time they’re asked to do something. Essentially creating a dog that will only work for cookies.

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Sydney Marshall Sydney Marshall

Value Of Rewards

When training our dog, we often overlook what our dog finds valuable. We assume the treats that the pet store attendant suggested are the best thing since slice bread. Only to find out when we go home and offer one to our pup, they turn their nose and walk away. Or maybe you’ve trained at home for x,y,and z behaviors with said treat and decided you wanted to move your training to the local park. Much to your dismay your dog has lost interest in this reward and would rather explore what’s behind the bush.

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