I talk about resource guarding. What it is and how to overcome it.
Talk about mental stimulation and why that isn’t the answer when you’re doing everything right
Update on behavior case Marlin
Training session with fear reactive GSP. This was taken towards the end of her first week stay with us.
Fear aggression can be caused by a number of things such as the dog’s genetic makeup, the environment the dog was raised in as a puppy (before 8 weeks), and the nurture and guidance we provide once we get said dog.
Intro to Scooby, a 9 month old puppy who is showing some concerning behaviors with others.
First play session with Zep, the fearful German shepherd. In the video, I discuss my strategy to use play as a tool to help him conquer his fear of people and outline the plan for upcoming sessions. Additionally, I point out some intriguing behaviors he is displaying.
The base of all dog training should start with a relationship and here’s why…
Teaching a dog how to handle stress, an important skill to learn so they do not run or react negatively to a stressor but instead face say stressor and move along. Building resiliency.
Opha Update!!!!!! See before video to now! We couldn’t be happier with her!
Teaching a dog what a correction is and how to not take it personally so we can move on with training with a clear communication system.
A quick run through how to muzzle train your dog
The benefits of using food to train your dog.
A quick voice over description of the some of the body signals dogs give to tell us how they’re feeling. I talk about proper play, stress relief, and give me space signals from a short clip of play with my personal dogs.
A voice over where I discuss your dog’s body language, specifically focusing on tail wagging and what it means. Video is of a lesson with a rescue dog that resource guards and attacks feet when frustrated.
How to teach your dog to listen to your verbal command vs relying on the lure (cookie)
Explanation and demonstration on how to teach your dog to give you eye contact when asked
How to build food drive for the unmotivated dog
Talking a little bit about marker training and how to charge your marker.