Don’t Buy that Xmas Puppy

Tis the season of family love and puppy kisses…kids and adults, alike, are looking to add a new fluffy member to their family. As my newsfeed is filled with new puppies anxiously waiting on their new homes, I have to wonder how many will end back with the breeder or worse, at the shelter due to some “unseen circumstance.” I get life happens and sometimes we are left with no choice, but planning ahead and putting time into your pup can mitigate such situations.

I’m not saying don’t buy a puppy if you have done your research and are committed to giving your new friend your time, money, and patience…let me repeat that again: your time, your money, and your patience.

Please review the below list and think long and hard before bringing a new furry friend into your world as it is a significant amount of responsibility…

  • Puppies become dogs in a really short amount of time.

  • All that extra cash you received for Christmas – kiss it goodbye with your new pup, between food, vet bills, training, etc. – it’s definitely not cheap!

  • Like to go out on the weekends? Not anymore, someone has to puppy sit to let him outside unless you plan on cleaning up messy floors.

  • That new furniture…your puppy may help you redecorate and add his or her flavor with teeth marks.

  • Fur. Fur here, fur there, fur everywhere!

  • Work long hours? A puppy doesn’t care! He or she wants your attention because, well you’re the best.

  • Sleep is for the dead. Literally. Sleep for the next couple of weeks will be sparse as your new puppy adjusts.

  • Do spouse or kids say they will help care for such a cutie? Don’t hold your breath, the honeymoon phase will end after two weeks.

  • Be ready to switch up your friends, as your circle will now consist of other puppy owners who are lacking sleep.

  • Choose your breed wisely. Are you a lazy person? Don’t get a husky. Make sure the breed you like will fit into your lifestyle. A little research here saves a lot of headaches later…

While this list is lighthearted, there is a lot of truth to it. So please, do your research before buying the puppy and be ready to commit to your new friend for the next 10-15 years. Dogs are great, I highly recommend them, but puppies…puppies are hard.




Beat the Heat